About our Books

What do the 123 Learning books do and what are they?

123 Learning books boost confidence and attainment in maths.  That's a fairly bold claim, but please see our Evidence page and our repeat sales are testament to the success that the books can bring. The books  work on the principle that some people need and benefit from extra support and practice.


Click on the links below for more details about our 4 books:

Each book gives a highly structured approach, and are ideal for students who are struggling to make progress with their maths as they haven't been able to fully grasp 'the basics'.

A major reason for the huge success of 123 Learning is the immense sense of achievement that the student experiences when working through the book. As confidence is a major factor in teaching, and with maths suffering more than most subjects in this area, the sense of real achievement is a crucial aspect of why the system works.

Here's a certificate you can download to award when a book is completed.