Special Offers
Our Bundles offer a great discount on buying the items individually! Our Number Fans are also currently on special offer. They're fantastic to use for whole-class, small group and individual work.
And we're still offering free trials of our online maths support program 123maths.co.uk
123 Learning Books Bundle
A complete set of 123 Learning books. This bundle consists of one of each book: - Plus 1, Power of 2, Perform with Time and Perform with Times Tables.
Product Code: BKBUN
Price: £76.00
20 printed blocks which rotate individually through 360 degrees and locks at 90 degree intervals.
Individual pupil version: Size 43x12cm
Perfect for all basic number work.
Product Code: ROTNS
Price: £9.95 (RRP £14.95)
6 Maths Board Games - Basic Pack
Box includes 6 Maths board games:- Dice Addition, Time-Digital to Analogue, Ten Frame Subtraction, Colour & Shape Recognition, Counting 1 to 100 and Place Value to 100.
Includes: 2 double-sided boards, 5 spinners, 20 counters, 4 game cards and 1 Dice.
Age 5 +
Product Code: MBGBS
Price: £24.99
Fraction, Decimal, Percentage Rotating Line
20 printed blocks which rotate individually through 360 degrees and locks at 90 degree intervals.
Individual version: Size 43x4cm
Perfect for all fraction, percentage and decimal work.
Product Code: ROTFS
Price: £9.95 (RRP £14.95)
Maths Fan, 10 petal, Blank
Special offer!
Ten petal number fan, blank on both side. You can customise this fan with a permanent or dry-wipe marker.
Product Code: NF04
Price: NOW 60p each (previously 99p RRP £1.25)